Adam Wheeler Deer Resistant Plants

A Way to had a Q&A session with Adam Wheeler

Here is one of the interview questions:

Q. And we don’t necessarily get to choose. First, can we clarify what we mean—or at least what you mean, since I’m sure you’re asked about this all the time at the nursery—by deer resistance, or deer proof.  I hate to ever say deer proof because I have seen them standing on their hind legs in the snow eating all the lower branches off spruce trees with stiff needles–which cannot be tasty.

A. It’s kind of a hard concept to really define, but I really prefer to think of it as a spectrum, rather than a yes and no. A lot of people like to say, “Is this something that the deer will absolutely not touch?” or, “Is it deer candy?”

Really it is a spectrum so there are plants that they favor more than others.

And you’re right on that just because something is deer-resistant, doesn’t mean that it’s deer proof. In reality just because they don’t eat it, doesn’t mean they won’t lay on it, or rut up against it with antlers, or do some other things to it.

To find out more, read the full article here: Deer-resistant plants, with Broken Arrow’s Adam Wheeler.