Cornus florida 'Jean's Appalachian Snow' Jean's Appalachian Snow Flowering Dogwood

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Archived - This plant has been available at Broken Arrow Nursery in the past but is not expected to be on hand this year. For more information, please contact us.

A white flowering, powdery mildew resistent selection of our native dogwood from the University of Tennessee. The original plant was identified in 1994 from a field of more than 1,000,000 seedlings. Floral bracts are larger than average, appearing prior to leaf emergence in April. The strong growing plants have glossy rich green foliage during the growing season capped off by stylish red tones in fall. Expect plants to reach 20-30' high and wide when mature.
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Latin NameCornus florida 'Jean's Appalachian Snow'
Common NameJean's Appalachian Snow Flowering Dogwood
USDA ZoneZone 5
Introduced by Broken Arrow NurseryNo